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A Little Touch of Homemade

Friday, January 27, 2012

Our granddaughter came home from school yesterday practically in tears .  She was carrying a sack with the saddest, most tattered looking sewing pieces I have ever seen.  This was her 1st of many,  little sewing projects...a summer top. Project was due the first of  this coming week, and by the look of what was inside this bag, she would never pass this class.  Good grief!  This child comes from a family of long time quilters, seamstress, etc., etc.  Could not get over there fast enough!  Tossed her sad, little bag in the trash and we went straight to the fabric store.  She picked out a light cotton fabric and to work we went. Turned on a little music, made tacos and started the project.  Within an hour (maybe an hour and a half) the bodice with lining was completed, straps attached and zipper ready.  Have to say, it really was a wonderful  feeling watching the big smile form on her face and the relieve I saw in her shoulders and body when she was done.  She had made her 1st wearable clothing item all by herself with just a little guidance.  Pictures of this project to follow shortly. 

Do hope your day is going well and there is much sunshine or many quilts to keep you warm.